Friday, September 30, 2011

Weigh In # 2 - VIDEO UPDATE

Well, now that the new video is up, I can officially unveil the current leader board stats of this past Sunday's competition weigh-in!

Current Competition Leader Board

Thank you so much to all of my subscribers on my YouTube Channel and those of you who take the time to follow and read my blog.  You're all seriously amazing and I love you all!  Thank you all for the support!!! I couldn't do this without you!

xoxo Pretty T


  1. Good luck on WW! You have such a nice shape! Nothing like natural curves!

  2. olá, sou do Brasil, usei o Google tradutor online para ler um pouco do seus textos... sou nutricionista... realmente vc é uma pessoa com muita determinação... emagrecer não é facil... continue forte.. recaidas acontecem... perder o controle.... mas vc recomeça... e tenta denovo... alimentar-se é fisiologico.. vc precisa comer todo dia... controlando para comer de maneira saudável... parabéns por vc conseguir...

  3. sorry... My name is Debora (email/orkut

  4. Hello, I'm from Brazil, used the Google online translator to read some of his writings ... I am a nutritionist ... you really are a person with a lot of determination ... losing weight is not easy ... stay strong .. relapse happen ... lose control .... but you again ... and try again ... physio is eating .. you need to eat every day ... Managing to eat healthily ... congratulations on you can ...

  5. You are doing awesome on WW and looking great. I too am on WW however, I havent had much success. After watching your videos last week you helped me snap out of it. You really made me realize that I have to do the work. I workout like crazy but my eating is horrible. You actually gave me a few ideas also to track my inches and loss as well. I love the idea you used of getting into clothing. Please email me sometime, I def need encouragement and would like to hear from you and get any pointers you have for me.

  6. You're vlogging skills are really improving (envious). What program are you using to edit your videos? Weight-wise, why do you want to lose weight? Is it for health? Or because you're turning 30 and you thinking more about being healthy? Would you suggest using a competition to motivate people?

  7. Hi, I just found your videos and was wondering how you are doing? You are an inspiration to me. After watching your first couple of videos I was encouraged to go and finish my work out on my Wii fit. I have about 60 more calories to burn before I reach my daily burn goal.
    Thank you for braving it out for all of us who are also struggling with weight loss.

  8. Where ARE you? :/ It's been months... I hope you are okay, and even if you weigh 800kg, please come update everyone... people are worried, rightly so. You're missed!
